Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Who is LightHub for?
LightHub is for organisations of all sizes – big and small. Both the pricing and the available options are designed to map onto the needs of organisations of all sizes.
Does LightHub integrate with other tools?
Yes, LightHub is designed as a hub so that if you are already using some tools for parts of the negotiation process, for example, electronic signature, then you will be able to integrate this with the LightHub process.
Does LightHub provide prebuilt legal templates that my organisation can use?
Yes, the basic version of LightHub includes a series of legal templates which can be used off the shelf. These are also available in the other versions of LightHub, and in these versions you will also be able to add your own templates to this list.
How secure is LightHub?
Very. We’ve passed through the security scrutiny of multiple large organisations. If you need any further details please let us know.
Can I store contracts on LightHub?
Yes! One of the most important parts of LightHub is the ability to store contracts post signature, to be notified when those contracts terminate or come up for renewal, and to be able to report on your current active contract landscape.
Do you have electronic signature on LightHub?
Yes, you are able to integrate your preferred electronic signature tool with LightHub.
How does LightHub map onto our organisation's contracting process?
LightHub is designed to be inherently flexible so that it will be able to map into your organisation’s contracting processes. You can either use the full suite available in LightHub, or remove certain elements of it.
How much does LightHub cost?
Click here [insert link to cost pages] for LightHub’s pricing options.
What reporting is available from LightHub?
LightHub is designed to collect an extensive set of data for every matter coming through your organisation. From this, a set of reports is available for all users.
How does LightHub help to manage my legal team's capacity?
LightHub was born out of Lighthouse Law who has been pioneering new ways to manage busy legal teams since inception and this design thinking and methodology has been included into LightHub.
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